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Ladies, claim your seat at the executive table

Women have long been fighting to become more represented in the leadership teams of corporations. While we have come a long way already, there is still much further to go. It is important that we continue to strive towards greater gender equality in the work place, not just for the sake of women’s rights, but also for the sake of businesses.

A diverse executive team can be much more productive, efficient and creative than one in which everyone comes from the same background, has the same experience, the same beliefs, and is the same gender and race. If the audience that you are selling to is made up of a diverse range of people, then why shouldn’t the team of directors and executives be the same? I have long been a supporter of Diversity of Thought. Plus, if corporations ignore half of the available field of talent, then they are missing out on some of the best talent for the job.

Part of getting more women into executive positions needs to come from women themselves. Taking control of your career isn’t a new idea, but it is something that we all need to do. Really know and understand the benefits of your contributions via your strengths, your achievements and your values. The more you practice talking about your achievements and your value proposition, the easier it will become. Promote yourself where you can, network with the right people and often. Continuously seek and position yourself for opportunities that might come in the form of projects, supporting a colleague on a joint venture, or a secondment. Often these opportunities aren’t obvious, and you need to position yourself by letting others know you are keen and interested in progressing your career.

When you are in the minority in any situation, it is easy to feel ostracised or on the outside. Don’t let this happen to you—plan how you are going to be part of the inner circle. Who are your allies? Work with them to ensure your seat at the table. You have worked hard to build a great career and your reputation. You continue to make unique contributions complimentary to others, so speak up and get yourself to the table.

When you find yourself in a senior executive position or in a c-suite level meeting where you are the only woman among a team of men, it is important to be confident and to make it show, to believe in your abilities and experience. You are there as an equal and everyone has their contribution to make. Being confident in this environment will put you in good light and others will respect you. Other women will expect you to be at the table, leading the way. Good preparation and knowing your facts is important and is a great confidence-builder.

Never ever think you shouldn’t be at the executive table. It is important to recognise that you belong there. If you don’t believe this, then how can you expect anyone else to believe in you? Speak with conviction and confidence—use your experiences, ask relevant questions and contribute to the bigger picture and organisation. People will notice and you will excel.

You know that you have the talent, the skill, the experience and the attitude to be successful at the top; now all you have to do is focus on getting that seat at the table. Start planning your next move now.


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