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5 Qualities every boss should focus on

The relationships we have with our bosses usually determine how satisfied we are in our jobs.  In today’s fast-paced and competitive environment, managers need to be clear on what should be done to create the most satisfying work experiences and the happiest employees. The following are the little things amazing bosses do differently to make work much more meaningful and enjoyable:
Manage individuals, not teams.  When pressure kicks in, it is easy to forget that employees are unique individuals, with varying interests, abilities and styles of learning.  A good boss masters the importance of customizing their interactions with each employee and is available and accessible for one-on-one conversations as much as possible. 
Go big on meaning.  Most people value jobs that let them contribute and make a difference. Many organisations now emphasize meaning and purpose in the hopes of fostering engagement. Bosses have the responsibility of inspiring their staff with a vision, setting challenging goals and articulating a clear purpose that fires the team up.  A strong manager sets expectations high and encourages the group to think they’re capable of virtually anything. 
Focus on feedback.  The best managers employ continuous, personalised feedback that is clear, honest and constructive.  Regular – at least weekly – one-on-one conversations is useful for delivering coaching.  
A 2013 Society for Human Resource Management survey of managers in the U.S. found that “only 2% provide ongoing feedback to their employees.” Just 2%!   
They don’t just talk…they listen.  Employees tend to be happiest when they feel free to contribute new ideas and take initiative, and most managers claim they want people who do just that. The best leaders spend a great deal of time listening. They pose problems and challenges then ask questions to enlist the entire team in generating solutions. They reward innovation and initiative, and encourage everyone in the group to do the same.
Be consistent.  Who could be happy with a boss who does one thing one day and another thing the next? It’s hard to feel motivated when the bar is always shifting in unpredictable ways and you never know what to expect or how to get ahead.  
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